Have an option to review new donors from online donation forms before RENXT adds a new donor

Allow users to preview new donors before NXT adds a new donor. We are getting lots of "new donors" who are already in our database but because there is a slight difference in spelling or address, NXT adds them as a new donor. This is adding a lot of data clean up because suddenly we have so many duplicate donors.

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    • Candy Reichert commented
      May 09, 2024 18:22

      THANK YOU !!!!!!!!

    • Mary Chase commented
      May 09, 2024 17:42


    • Admin
      Lacey Kruger commented
      May 09, 2024 17:08

      Yes! This feature released on Tuesday, 5/7/2024. Help documentation is available now and BBU Trainings will be available shortly. Here is a blog post describing the feature as well:


      Thanks all!

    • Kat Fox commented
      May 09, 2024 16:02

      has this feature been released? i am currently doing battle with "new" donors and duplicate records.

    • Barbara Davis commented
      April 18, 2024 15:14

      Fantastic! When will an updated course/class/video/training be available for this?

    • Mary Chase commented
      April 17, 2024 09:57

      This is great news for sure!

    • Admin
      Lacey Kruger commented
      April 16, 2024 16:02

      I'm pleased to share that Online data review is releasing (for some of you) this coming Tuesday 4/23/2024 and for all of you on Tuesday 5/7/2024.

      As stated below, the initial release will allow for review of transactions from Blackbaud donation forms. You'll need to "turn on" the tool to start using it by updating your Online data review setting, which will be available in Gift Management and in Tools > Settings.

    • Amy Weir commented
      March 28, 2024 18:43

      Is there a timeline for when this will roll-out? At one point I thought early 2024 was announced, so I'm hopeful it will be soon.

    • Admin
      Lacey Kruger commented
      December 05, 2023 20:43

      Initially, the Online data review tool will only allow for review of Online donations from RENXT donation forms. Organization gifts/records will be part of the initial roll-out too.

      We'd like to eventually allow for review of Tribute records, Event registration records and JustGiving records but don't have a timeline in place for adding these yet.

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      December 04, 2023 17:44

      Thanks, Lacey! Does this include reviewing constituents paying on webview event registration forms?

    • Julie Hiland commented
      December 04, 2023 17:41

      Thanks, Lacey. Does the data review include the new constituent records being added for tributes?

    • Admin
      Lacey Kruger commented
      December 04, 2023 17:36

      As announced in the November '23 Product Update Briefing, the new Online data review tool is in development and planned for release in Q1 of 2024! Thank you for your feedback on this topic and for your patience as we work on a solution.

    • Stella Limuel commented
      November 28, 2023 18:09

      Please speed up this update.

      It is very discouraging to realize that I cannot review and reject the donor updates. If the donor makes a typo, uses their non-primary address/email/phone, or uses their spouse's information, RE would save over the constituent record without our consent. That would be against what y'all taught about maintaining a clean database.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      November 17, 2023 15:50

      I found a pair of duplicate records in database view. But they don't show up in the Tools/DataHealth/Duplicates area of web view. REASON: The duplicate record was added by "NXT System User (Tribute Service)", which I guess means that it was created when someone made a gift through an RENXT Donation form in memory of someone. When they made it in memory of someone, that someone had a new record created for them with first name 'Dr. Karen'. So the Data Health doesn't recognize "Karen" and "Dr. Karen" as potential duplicates. This has created issues for us in our tribute reporting to the family! I sure do hope that when BB rolls out tribute management in the web view, that duplicate management is part of it!

    • Melissa Wieler commented
      October 05, 2023 16:39

      Is there an update on when this issue will be resolved? There was a post in August that it was being worked on. My org. only started using NXT for donations and event registrations a few months ago and there are way too many duplicates. At lease in Online Express we had the chance to correct possible duplicates before they were actually created.

    • Joel Raasch commented
      October 02, 2023 16:58

      We need the ability to intervene to reject, accept, capture, and/or redirect incoming data like name, phone number, email address and address fields. This is not only to keep RE "clean" and standardized, to avoid duplicative constituent records and the time it takes to do clean-up, etc. It is also because we have a different database which is the primary source of data for over 11,000 records of certain constituency codes in RE. We need to put data updates into that other database or we will lose them at the end of the week when we import into RE those demographic data-pieces from the other database and "overwrite" what is in RE.

    • Karen Diener commented
      August 10, 2023 13:07

      Thank goodness that the online donor review tool will be added! So happy to know this is on the roadmap. It is the primary reason my clients do not use the online donation forms.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      August 10, 2023 12:42

      After completing discovery on a design for a solution to this problem this summer, we have started development on an "Online donor review tool." I don't have an ETA to share yet on when this will ship, but we'll update the status of this Idea when we're closer to go-live. We'll be talking about this in the November Product Update Brief so stay tuned for more information!

    • Lynn Donovan commented
      August 10, 2023 09:24

      Can't believe this idea was added in 2021 and nothing has been done about it yet. This feature is awful.

    • Jennifer Jones commented
      July 11, 2023 14:43

      Yes, this would be helpful!

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