Duplicate: Improvements to RE NXT Online Donation Forms

Our organization is currently using Online Express for Online donations (previously we used Salsa and Constant Contact pages for giving) and that leaves some features to be desired, although, it is still more robust than RE NXT Donation forms are right now. That being said, if the following features were added to the RE NXT Online donation forms, then it would be greatly improved and we would switch to using it:

1) The ability to select an "Other" option for designating gifts that allows the Gifts Processor to select the appropriate fund based on the comments and wishes of the donor. Similarly, there should be a free text field that the donor can enter their designation into or a drop down menu with the "Other" option like in Online Express. Moved to Idea RENXT-I-4387

2) For all funds, being able to change the way they appear name was on the giving form in case the internal fund name doesn't exactly align with the Fundraising advertising and outward names. Moved idea to RENXT-I-4388

3) The ability to choose between required or optional for all fields, especially phone number. We use the giving forms to capture phone numbers for donors in case there is a problem with their contribution and to add them to our Annual Fund calling program. DONE! for phone

4) The ability to select which Pay Methods are available instead of all of them being listed. We don't like to encourage direct debit transactions with bank accounts for security purposes and would like the ability to remove that so donors aren't confused by it. DONE! There is an option to allow direct debit or not.

5) For recurring gifts, it should be required for donors to choose whether or not a recurring gift should be listed as "Ongoing/Perpetual" or if they only want to set up a gift for a specific number of payments or to end by a certain date. So for example, if I wanted to do $50 per month for 12 months, I should be able to say 12 payments or select the date on which I'd like transactions to stop processing. Idea RENXT-I-4389

6) The gift commentsIdea RENXT-I-4390 created and some other fields are not available as "Merge Fields" for the emails sent internally to our organization to help with booking gifts more accurately. Also, donors often request to see comments they've made as well to ensure that it was received so ALL fields available on the form should also be Merge fields for the email designer. The email should be a snapshot of what they just entered online. NOTE: If a donor enters information in a field it is always displayed on the confirmation page and email in the transactions details.

7) The ability to choose to add Tribute/Memorial Gift information to a gift that doesn't necessarily have to be linked to a Tribute/Memorial within the system in order to be booked like it does in the Online Express forms. https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/RENXT-I-3253

8) I'm not sure how the forms will work in RE NXT as I've heard mixed things, but I know in Online Express that processing recurring payments is not something that is "automatic". As an institution that previously used Authorize.net as a gateway between giving pages, this is very cumbersome for our staff when it used to automatically run based on what the donor set up. I have heard this is fixed in RE NXT forms, but I've also heard it isn't so if not, I wanted to note that as well. They are processed automatically for NXTGen forms.

9) The ability for the donors to "opt-in" to paying the transaction fees for their gifts is also a desired feature for online donation forms to help offset the cost for non-profit organizations everywhere. https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/RENXT-I-3494

10) Finally, the ability to craft different emails for responses to the donation. It would be nice to have an email used for confirmation purposes to the donor and then one email for internal use only that could have different information in them instead of having to be identical. This was another feature we had previously on other platforms and would love to see it again if possible. To help protect donor information, we do not include personally identifiable information in emails to anyone other than the donor. We do include a link in the notification email so that authenticate (logged in) users can view personal informtion if you have given them permission. You can read about how authenticated users can easily see information here.

  • Nikki Long
  • Feb 22 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Irene Hui commented
    October 16, 2024 22:21

    I would like to know if there are any updates to item #1:

    The ability to select an "Other" option for designating gifts that allows the Gifts Processor to select the appropriate fund based on the comments and wishes of the donor. Similarly, there should be a free text field that the donor can enter their designation into or a drop down menu with the "Other" option like in Online Express. Moved to Idea RENXT-I-4387

    RENXT-1-4387 doesn't come up in the search bar.

    Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    April 06, 2023 16:35

    I understand the intent was that people will simply continue to give as it just becomes a part of their budget but I know this will be the reason that some do not give at all!

  • Admin
    Juliana Lawson commented
    June 29, 2021 17:27

    1) The ability to select an "Other" option for designating gifts that allows the Gifts Processor to select the appropriate fund based on the comments and wishes of the donor. Similarly, there should be a free text field that the donor can enter their designation into or a drop down menu with the "Other" option like in Online Express. Moved to Idea RENXT-I-4387

    2) For all funds, being able to change the way they appear name was on the giving form in case the internal fund name doesn't exactly align with the Fundraising advertising and outward names. Moved idea to RENXT-I-4388

    3) The ability to choose between required or optional for all fields, especially phone number. We use the giving forms to capture phone numbers for donors in case there is a problem with their contribution and to add them to our Annual Fund calling program. DONE! for phone

    4) The ability to select which Pay Methods are available instead of all of them being listed. We don't like to encourage direct debit transactions with bank accounts for security purposes and would like the ability to remove that so donors aren't confused by it. DONE! There is an option to allow direct debit or not.

    5) For recurring gifts, it should be required for donors to choose whether or not a recurring gift should be listed as "Ongoing/Perpetual" or if they only want to set up a gift for a specific number of payments or to end by a certain date. So for example, if I wanted to do $50 per month for 12 months, I should be able to say 12 payments or select the date on which I'd like transactions to stop processing. Idea RENXT-I-4389

    6) The gift commentsIdea RENXT-I-4390 created and some other fields are not available as "Merge Fields" for the emails sent internally to our organization to help with booking gifts more accurately. Also, donors often request to see comments they've made as well to ensure that it was received so ALL fields available on the form should also be Merge fields for the email designer. The email should be a snapshot of what they just entered online. NOTE: If a donor enters information in a field it is always displayed on the confirmation page and email in the transactions details.

    7) The ability to choose to add Tribute/Memorial Gift information to a gift that doesn't necessarily have to be linked to a Tribute/Memorial within the system in order to be booked like it does in the Online Express forms. https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/RENXT-I-3253

    8) I'm not sure how the forms will work in RE NXT as I've heard mixed things, but I know in Online Express that processing recurring payments is not something that is "automatic". As an institution that previously used Authorize.net as a gateway between giving pages, this is very cumbersome for our staff when it used to automatically run based on what the donor set up. I have heard this is fixed in RE NXT forms, but I've also heard it isn't so if not, I wanted to note that as well. They are processed automatically for NXTGen forms.

    9) The ability for the donors to "opt-in" to paying the transaction fees for their gifts is also a desired feature for online donation forms to help offset the cost for non-profit organizations everywhere. https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/RENXT-I-3494

    10) Finally, the ability to craft different emails for responses to the donation. It would be nice to have an email used for confirmation purposes to the donor and then one email for internal use only that could have different information in them instead of having to be identical. This was another feature we had previously on other platforms and would love to see it again if possible. To help protect donor information, we do not include personally identifiable information in emails to anyone other than the donor. We do include a link in the notification email so that authenticate (logged in) users can view personal informtion if you have given them permission. You can read about how authenticated users can easily see information here.

  • Admin
    Juliana Lawson commented
    June 29, 2021 17:27

    I've add these ideas to other existing ideas, created new ideas, or noted when something is already done above. This will assure they get voted on individually. I'm closing this idea.

  • Admin
    Juliana Lawson commented
    May 28, 2021 19:56

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for posting your ideas!

    Marietta is correct if you break these down into individual ideas we can address them one at a time. Also, some of these ideas already exists so voting on those will promote the things you are interested in getting done.

  • Marietta Doney commented
    April 07, 2021 00:40

    You have some really great ideas, but they need to be added one at a time if you are going to get Blackbaud's attention - redo your suggestions