Giving the option to require a phone number in NXT Online Giving Donation Forms

We would like to request that all contact information, especially phone numbers, be made a required field on the Optimized NXT Donations forms in Online Giving. We prefer to make thank you calls for larger gifts, in addition to emailed and mailed letters. We like this form since it can be embedded in our site and perform like a light box (unlike Luminate forms), but we don't capture all contact info if the phone number and address are not required.

  • Sara Pittman
  • Aug 5 2024
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Ellie Stair commented
    11 Sep 23:15

    Agreed that this still does not exist on Optimized Forms. We love the way they look but have chosen not to move to this sleeker design because we cannot require specific information, even email address, so that we can continue to stay in touch with our donors.

  • Sara Pittman commented
    29 Aug 19:19

    Yes, I understand that this already exists in the Standard Form. I am asking it to be considered for the Optimized Form since that form looks more modern. So I would not consider this as something that "already exists."

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    29 Aug 19:09

    This is available today on our Standard donation form.

    When editing the form, on Step 2: Form tab, after you have dragged the phone widget into the form, click to edit it and you can make it required.

    We do not currently allow phone number to be required in the Optimized form, the strategy of this form is intended to not impede the donor's path to payment. Therefore, phone is asked after the donation is made and is optional as the donor can click out of the form at any time.