More required fields available on Donation Forms

Email as well as the mailing address fields should be available as "required fields" on the RE NXT Donation Forms. Currently, only Phone Number can be selected as a "required field".

Also - when someone opts to make a donation as an organization, even the Phone number field toggles back to being "non-required" so an organization could fill out the form without any contact information whatsoever - making it very difficult to connect with them about their gift.

This has impacts on sending electronic tax receipts or mailing tax receipts.

  • Erika Johnston
  • Dec 5 2023
  • Attach files
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    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      June 13, 2024 17:05

      Per the 6/13 Town Hall - Many donors give unmonitored email addresses when they make a gift. That makes it difficult to reach out to them regarding comments they added, gift restrictions, etc. It isn't a one size fits all thing, and customers should be able to decide if they want to add more restricted fields.

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      June 13, 2024 16:44

      Please give customers the option to require fields on Optimized forms as well.

    • Erika Johnston commented
      January 03, 2024 18:31

      Hey Samantha, I'm not sure where the checkbox is but when I go to edit the email field I have no options. My only option is to type in a label for the field.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      January 03, 2024 18:18

      You can make fields required through the Form designer tab when Add/Editing the form by selecting the element (such as address),clicking to edit and selecting the checkbox to make the field required.

      Email address is always required and cannot be made optional.

      I'll doublecheck on the organization gift workflow you're describing above, we haven't see that before!