Add Addressee and Salutation mapping in form settings

Currently, when a new donor is added via an NXT donation form there is no mapping for addressee and salutation. This means that when I go to pull my acknowledgement letter, it defaults to First Name, Last Name rather than my organizational defaults where are followed elsewhere in the system. If I can map constituent codes, phone/email/address type I don't see why I shouldn't be able to indicate a default addressee and salutation mapping.

  • Guest
  • Jun 30 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Emily Scott commented
    05 Dec 18:17

    We have this same prblem: We really need this - we have constituents coming into our database without addressee, salutation, or preferred name, which are all required in database view and are absolutely necessary for our email and mail communications.

  • Kristin Gilbert commented
    05 Dec 17:44

    We really need this - we have constituents coming into our database without addressee, salutation, or preferred name, which are all required in database view and are absolutely necessary for our email and mail communications.