Addressee and Salutation are not in the merge fields you can select in the emails at this time.

We’ve gone to the trouble of setting up in preferred manners of salutation for our constituents in RE7 (now the database view) and don’t really want to duplicate our work. When sending marketing emails in RE NXT, the first name or nickname are the closest but not quite. How about merging the preferred salutation for those who don't have a nickname?

  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2020
  • Attach files
  • Therese Junker commented
    February 06, 2023 19:39

    yes these fields are needed urgently

  • Scott Blair commented
    May 03, 2021 18:42

    I agree!

  • Matthew Wichmer commented
    November 30, 2020 15:11

    Need to have additional options to ensure proper formats and match preferences. Ex. type of email communication, email signatory, etc. This functionality appears to be partially implemented in email receipts and should be added to general emails