Add Hard Bounce and Soft Bounce as list filters

It's great that we can create a list of bounces within the Email Marketing, but if a list filter of hard and/or soft bounce was available, that would make it even more robust.

  • Cindy Erwin
  • Feb 4 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      October 14, 2024 17:29

      Agreed. It makes it virtually impossible for me or our IT department to be able to dive deeper into our high soft bounce rate for emails. When I ask Blackbaud support and even our Customer Success manager for some sort of detailed email history or record of this, they are unable to even provide this. There needs to be better filtering options of hard/soft email bounces with the errors as well as a better email history log. It is extremely frustrating and makes troubleshooting further, impossible.

    • Holly Salisbury commented
      November 22, 2023 08:27

      We need the ability to pull off hard and soft bounce lists. The painstaking and incredibly time consuming manual process of opening each email individually and then each constituent record individually to identify the bounce type is untenable.

      It seems like a real oversight that you can’t pull off these lists – the system must have some sort of list to know which people/addresses not to send the emails to, and it calls it a blacklist for hard bounces. Very frustrating indeed. NXT email functionality is not up to scratch and lacking vs. the competition.

    • Sue Christensen commented
      February 28, 2023 20:32

      Agreed! I have to go through thousands of these to determine if they are hard or soft bounce and then go into the database to uncheck the primary box and add a comment - this should all be available in the webview and we should be able to see email history in the database

    • Nina Pearson commented
      May 10, 2021 13:00

      The ability to filter between hard and soft bounces in order to amend records with hard bounces would be an incredible time saver as currently having to open hundreds of records each week just to check which type of error it has. The additional ability to filter each by the bounce code would also be an added benefit to improve success rates.