Make more information available about why emails bounced

As is best practice for all email marketing platforms, please consider adding information on reasons for email bounces - hard/soft, definitely, but also any related information. It's hard to correct issues when there is no information on why the email bounced.

  • Guest
  • Nov 5 2020
  • Attach files
  • Holly Salisbury commented
    November 22, 2023 08:30

    Agreed. We need the ability to pull off hard and soft bounce lists. The painstaking and incredibly time consuming manual process of opening each email individually and then each constituent record individually to identify the bounce type is untenable.

    It seems like a real oversight that you can’t pull off these lists – the system must have some sort of list to know which people/addresses not to send the emails to, and it calls it a blacklist for hard bounces. Very frustrating indeed. NXT email functionality is not up to scratch and lacking vs. the competition.

  • Holly Salisbury commented
    August 15, 2023 09:40

    Completely agree. This should include supressed email addresses removed prior to sending and subsequent bounces.