Hard Bounce Report in Email Marketing

There should be a way to update the records in NXT Email Marketing so that hard bounce is indicated in their constituent record.  Tech support said there is no query or report to use with Email Marketing that will update the record in this manner.

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  • Jan 24 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      December 24, 2024 20:35

      How are we still asking for this basic functionality, which they provide in their other email products, after all these years?

    • Megan Zahler commented
      June 29, 2024 19:28

      Five years later and this is still an issue? Yikes, Blackbaud.

    • Sara Burtis commented
      May 21, 2024 17:14

      Please. Fix. This.

    • Daniel Coogan commented
      May 21, 2024 13:44

      It is perplexing that there is no differentiation between hard and soft bounce, how on earth are we supposed to clean our email data after sending out email communications. Seriously considering using 3rd party marketing software instead of the inbuilt marketing functionality in NXT

    • Anne C commented
      May 21, 2024 13:42

      Please find a solution for this

    • Erin Cosler commented
      April 19, 2024 18:48

      We talk a lot about the importance of having clean data, but it's difficult to ensure we have good info when we don't have access to the data that supports it. If there could be a separate list for soft and hard bounces, or even to have that field included in the list we could download, that would be so helpful. I don't want to mark current/accurate emails as unusable, but I also don't want to believe we're sending emails to people who aren't receiving them.

    • Caty Franco commented
      January 05, 2024 00:03

      This has been open for four years and desperately needs a solution.

    • Lizzie Shelley commented
      November 24, 2023 15:56

      Until this is available we will be using other companies to send mailings. Ridiculous how it's been set up to just mail block from everything and then doesn't allow us to change that easily.

    • Holly Salisbury commented
      November 22, 2023 08:27

      We need the ability to pull off hard and soft bounce lists. The painstaking and incredibly time consuming manual process of opening each email individually and then each constituent record individually to identify the bounce type is untenable.

      It seems like a real oversight that you can’t pull off these lists – the system must have some sort of list to know which people/addresses not to send the emails to, and it calls it a blacklist for hard bounces. Very frustrating indeed. NXT email functionality is not up to scratch and lacking vs. the competition.

    • David Ayers commented
      November 14, 2023 16:59

      This needs to happen. NXT email marketing is sadly lacking vs. the competition.

    • Maria Figueiredo commented
      October 18, 2023 01:09

      This is a critical requirement. Data is inconsistent when we cannot see what is a hard or soft bounce for reporting requirements

    • Brenda Gutierrez commented
      October 13, 2023 15:49

      It would also be helpful if NXT automatically marked these emails as "Do not contact" or "inactive" when they hard bounce so that they don't show up in our queries in the future!

    • Brenda Gutierrez commented
      October 13, 2023 15:36

      Other departments are beginning to lose trust in our NXT email feature. Our reports are consistently confusing because the response numbers do not add up to our list totals and it's difficult to explain why it takes a lot of time (each time) list-building/excluding/exporting to simply find out who had a hard bounce-- then there is the clean-up! Thank you.

    • Karen Diener commented
      September 12, 2023 18:56

      This is critical. Your email marketing tool lags FAR behind all other products on the market and you are needing to play catch up. Don't just catch up - be better than the others!

    • Deanna Rusek commented
      March 03, 2023 16:56

      Or include constituent ID in the Online Express STATS Bounced Export file so the end user could batch import bounded emails.

    • Deanna Rusek commented
      March 03, 2023 16:55

      PLEASE make this change. Constant Contact and other platforms automatically stops emailing to bounced addresses. At the very least don't allow previously bounced emails to send out even if the connectivity to RE record isn't available. You could easily check from on list in OEX against another recent and remove bounced.

    • Kari Cheng commented
      July 20, 2022 14:12

      Just got off chat and I was told that we could send our lists of bounces to them for each email we send out and they could tell us which emails are hard bounces vs soft bounces. After having worked in other programs that automatically do this, I don't understand how this isn't already set up that way. Was told this is the same set up for OLX.

    • Jane commented
      September 29, 2021 23:07

      Yes! This should be made available. The email tile in webview identifies a bounce as hard or soft so why can't we access this in Lists? Frustrating.

    • Kristy Hill commented
      September 17, 2021 16:04

      Why in the world can this not be available now? It's been almost 3 years since first asked? We need to easily know if it is a soft or hard bounce.

    • Devan Caton commented
      September 14, 2021 14:37

      We really need this. We transitioned from Online Express to using the web view Email Marketing tool this year, and we've now lost access to a pivotal data point. In Online Express, you could view the "Unusable Emails" list, and you could also query on bounces/opt-outs in the database view. Using the web view tool, you cannot do either, and you cannot create lists in web view based on this information either. It is a major step backward. It's really been a stumbling block for us this week especially as we have been trying to communicate via email with constituents who registered to attend a conference we are hosting. There is NECESSARY info those people were expecting to receive that they did not get. I've spent an exorbitant amount of time over the course of the last week trying to determine who did or did not get the messages, why, how to get it to them successfully. Digging around in the system to find this information has eaten up much more of my time that it really should have.

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