When you view the record of a fund you find all sorts of interesting information. You can even save attachments to the record. Something you can't do in the database view. There isn't really a direct way to search for a specific one or gather a list of them together.
"how would you find one in NXT that hasn't had a gift made to it yet?"
We're struggling with that for appeals, too! We want to see who hasn't made a gift to the appeal yet, or that they gave to a different appeal in a certain timeframe - such as appeals for updating contact information with a link to our BBNC site, but not a direct solicitation appeal.
Also - how would you find one in NXT that hasn't had a gift made to it yet? When we set up a fund we would want to add documentation to the record and if it hasn't had any gifts made to it yet how would you find it? In lists if I search on a fund that doesn't have any gifts yet I can't locate it.