Ability to view Campaign, Fund, and/or Appeal IDs on Gifts and Lists

There needs to be ways for users to choose Fund ID/Appeal ID to view gifts - our Fund description is an accounting code & makes no sense to users.
all of our reporting is based on fund/appeal/campaign IDs

  • Guest
  • Mar 27 2018
  • Attach files
  • A Dewalt commented
    August 04, 2021 14:19

    It would be great to have the Fund, Appeal and Campaign ID's as a column choice in Lists. We often use the Fund ID on reports as it has specific info for our finance department.

  • Jerica Price commented
    March 08, 2021 21:43

    I wish I could vote for this again. It is very un-user friendly to have the Descriptions rather than the IDs be the only option.