I'd like to be able to choose whether to view the ID or the Description of a Campaign, Fund and Appeal. Also, I'd like to have the ability to filter the active and inactive ones within the list. If you're choosing the campaign, fund or appeal to view you really know yourself if it's active or inactive so what is the purpose if the Active filter?
Mary Ewing, I second your note about the descriptions being useless. I my organization, the IDs are the user-friendly identifier. The option to view the IDs rather than Descriptions needs to be available.
In our organization, Appeal IDs have always been used to create analyses of appeal successes based on number of responses and donations received in response to each appeal. The IDs are far less cumbersome than the general descriptions which, in our case, are too lengthy and difficult to query on. The descriptions are basically useless except to understand the focus should it vary.
If there's one thing that's most annoying about NXT it's the use of Appeal, Fund and Campaign descriptions rather than IDs.
Our staff is much more fluent in identifying appeals by ID rather than description. Allowing for this option would save us regular reference back to the database, or a card we have created, to identify the description.