NXT Web View: Filter gifts by fund category

Located in Lists -> Gifts -> Filter -> Campaigns, funds & appeals.

If I want to see the recent gifts that have come in to a fund category, at the moment, I have to select all the funds individually, rather than through a category. Moreover, the selection menu for funds is not even complete, meaning that I have to manually search for every fund that I want. Allowing selection by category would drastically improve convenience.

  • Guest
  • Jul 19 2017
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  • Chris Zello commented
    January 15, 2020 20:54

    I agree that we need Filters to allow searching by Fund Category & Fund Type.  This will prevent us from having to choose each individual Fund by name.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    July 20, 2017 13:36

    Filters for Category & Type across the board on CFAP records would be helpful.