Gift Display on Constituent Record - Display Fund ID # and Fund Description

Gift Display on Constituent Record - Display Fund ID # AND Fund Description.

I.E. Jane Doe / $5/ 6/1/24 /00100/ Sam Heck Scholarship Fund

Often team members on the operations side (Gift processing and Database Admin) know fund code ID #'s while the fundraisers know only the fund code description. You can switch which version you see as an individual user, but cannot see both at the same time.

Memorizing what ID # goes with which description and vice versa is difficult especially if/when you have hundreds of fund codes. Especially when folks on different sides of the team are in front of the same screen reviewing things together.

It would be really nice to be able to see the fund code ID # and the fund code description displayed when looking at the list of gifts on the constituent record, this prevents human error and miscommunication when you can see both, so you don't get mixed up.

  • Rachel Kauer
  • Jun 13 2024
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