Address "Country" field is required, doesn't allow for a blank option, and overwrites blank Country fields (added via database view) for ALL existing addresses when any address is saved.

In our database, we don't use "United States" for a country field, because we don't want "United States" printing out on everything. We delete it wherever it exists and leave the country field blank for anything but foreign addresses. There is no ability to leave the country field blank in RE NXT, because it pulls from the Countries list in database view. But, in database view/Config/International there is no way to make a "blank" country. So, I can't make any address changes in RE NXT without also going back into the database view and clearing out the Country field on the address record.

In addition to this, because of the default United States country field that exists in RE NXT, if I click the "Save" button after opening an address to edit it in RE NXT, it saves ALL of the addresses on that constituent's record (past and present/active and inactive) and fills in their Country fields (which we leave blank in our system) with United States. Because of our database procedures, this would mean that if anyone saves an address in RE NXT, we have to go back into that constituent's record in database view and clear out the country field on each address that exists on that constituent's record.

  • Eric Baerg
  • Apr 13 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 13, 2018 14:47

    Interesting...I never use Address Block, either.  And I've never had RE include the Country Field unless I specifically chose it.  So I'm wondering how/why you are getting Country exported if you have selected the Address Fields you want and you don't want Country.  Or why your Word merge templates are including Country as a merge field if you don't want to use it.

    You may want to post about this in the Community (rather than Idea Bank) and see if others have encountered this and discovered a better fix than Paul's suggestion to adjust the Address Block or going in and adjusting every Export and merge template you use.

    You could use an RE7 dynamic query as an Audit function to locate Address Records added via NXT and then remove the Country data from that Field.

  • Eric Baerg commented
    October 13, 2017 12:24

    I would love to see some movement on this idea.  Our institution effectively cannot touch addresses in RE NXT without messing up our records.

  • Eric Baerg commented
    April 27, 2017 18:30

    Hi Paul, our address block is actually already set up like that.  We never use address block, though.  So I'd have to go through all of our word-merge templates and update them to use the block instead.  And even then it wouldn't fix it for Exports because the country still exports as a separate field regardless of configuration rules when using address block. 

  • Paul Finch commented
    April 27, 2017 18:08

    If the reason for not wanting country has to with the display of addresses in activities like printing the best way to handle hat is to change the address block of that country to not include country.

    Configuration > International  

    From there open the country you want to edit, United States for example.   At the bottom you should see the address block option.  Remove country form there.