Ability to delete address in NXT

Please implement a capability to delete addresses in RE NXT. Right now it requires us to have at least one address present in the record. We need to be able to delete some of the addresses because we know they are no longer valid. We can't have them listed as primary addresses. We need to be able to have the same capability as database view, where we have a box "No valid address" and the address field is blank.

  • Vera Zelichenok
  • Oct 25 2022
  • Attach files
  • Catherine Hodges commented
    August 16, 2023 17:28

    Why would you delete those addresses from your database instead of marking them as Do Not Mail? It seems like an "inactive" status on addresses (like the one that exists on emails) would be more helpful than deleting the address altogether. Old addresses can be useful in verifying prior interactions with the person. As a database manager, I very rarely delete any information. It's better to mark it accordingly so that it doesn't come up in queries for mailings.