Add "No Valid Address" as a filter for Constituent Lists.

Constituent lists can include/exclude "deceased" and "inactive," but to filter out "no valid address," a static query must first be saved in the database view and then used to create the list in NXT. It would be great to have the "no valid address" check box available in Lists to skip this step and simply mark the check box like "deceased" or "inactive."

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Whitney Sparks commented
    25 Nov 17:55

    Adding Has No Valid Address on the indidivual consituent record in wbeview is somewhat helpful. However, it would be much more helpful to also have that data point as a filter and/or column in webview Lists . This was idea was posted almost six years ago....

  • Kristin Gilbert commented
    May 25, 2023 22:02

    Yes- this is a big piece keeping us in database view. We need to be able to create clean lists directly in web view and being able to exclude people without addresses is key to this.