Filter out invalid addresses in Constituent Lists in web view

Being forced to have an address marked as preferred even if there are no valid addresses for a constituent causes a problem in web view: in a constituent list, the summary with contact information will always show the preferred address, regardless of whether the constituent is marked as "no valid addresses" or whether the address itself has an end date. The constituent list does not show that the constituent has been marked as not having a valid address or that the address has an end date. Blackbaud support has confirmed that this is the case and that there is no workaround within web view. This renders the list function of web view pretty much unusable. Please add these simple filters for contact information in constituent lists.

  • Rachael Walker
  • Feb 3 2020
  • Attach files
  • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
    July 02, 2021 21:22

    Please do this! Staff will send a personal note to a donor thinking that address is current.