Add "Has no valid address" to NXT

It is part of the legal rules for Gift Aid claims that Constituents have a valid address. So we use the RE7 Bio 1 tick-box as part of the appropriate mark-up for a Constituent record. But when reviewing returned Appeal mailings, it's easiest to use NXT to get a feel for the appropriate edits to make to the Constituent record. Currently, records marked with "Has no valid address" don't show up as such in RE7 - literally no clue at all!

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    • A Regazzi commented
      November 26, 2024 16:47

      Having the source of the address will be a great addition too

    • Lora Cowan commented
      November 25, 2024 16:55

      Thanks! This is a great addition.

    • Guest commented
      August 09, 2024 13:12

      It seems to be happening automatically and I don't know how

    • Keli Sparks commented
      July 10, 2024 18:11

      Hoping this gets added soon! It definitely causes confusion when you have some team members using NXT and others using database.

    • Victoria Leonardo commented
      June 26, 2024 19:39

      Agreed with all previous comments - this is definitely needed. Users should be able to easily view on NXT constituent records if a constituent has a valid address or not.

    • Guest commented
      June 08, 2024 19:09

      Absolutely a necessary feature to add to NXT! Lists for direct mail are USELESS without the ability to filter out constituent records with a known inability to receive mail. Additionally, this is a must have for database maintenance. It seems a lot of that aspect has been forgotten in this version.

    • Josef Stolz commented
      January 03, 2024 14:58

      So this still hasn't been implemented..? Unbelievable

    • Marlene Saretsky commented
      December 07, 2023 20:50

      This is an important feature to have added.

    • Marlene Saretsky commented
      December 07, 2023 20:41

      This feature needs to be added

    • David Larson commented
      September 12, 2023 12:15

      This should be automatic or virtual - not requiring manual update.

    • Michelle DeAngelis commented
      February 07, 2023 15:02

      Wow, wow, wow, this still isn't a thing?! Unbelievable. We were using NXT lists to have volunteers mail out some handwritten birthday cards. My assumption was the default was to not include no valid addresses in lists like it is with deceased and inactive, but nope! After we got a few returned we realized this was not the case! I really can't believe you can't filter out no valid address in lists.

    • Kevyn Barnes commented
      January 27, 2023 19:23

      This has been frustrating. Although it doesn't completely solve all the issues, I did recently discover (by chance!) that in RENXT if you mark any address as both "primary" AND "do not mail", it will automatically update the record in database view to add a check to "No valid addresses."

      Likewise, if you add a new address in RENXT to a record that previously had "no valid addresses" checked, AND you are sure to mark that new address as primary (the green star), then "no valid addresses" is automatically unchecked in database view.

      I've noticed that if the green star is on a completely blank address ("address block left blank"), those are also consistently marked "no valid address" too, unless you go in and edit the address. So, if you add a new constituent in RENXT but do not include an address, the "no valid addresses" box will be checked in RE database. Unfortunately, that is not the case if only the zip code, state, or city only is added so you have to go back to database view to mark those OR mark the incomplete address as "do not mail." I hope this helps somebody else like it did me when I discovered it!

    • Whitney Sparks commented
      January 26, 2023 17:33

      The fact that "no valid address" is STILL not availavle in RE NXT (Insights or lists) is crazy indeed! Open voting since 2016 and sveral hundred votes and other similar ideas posted is even crazier.

    • Guest commented
      December 01, 2022 16:39

      Oh gosh, here I was thinking that I could easily create an automatic email workflow to donors whose mail has been returned... but to learn you can't see "no valid address" in RE NEXT? CRAZY!

    • Guest commented
      October 25, 2022 15:08

      6 years Blackbaud....we've been waiting for this. Its time to just fix it! We shdnt have to create workarounds for your software, as it causes us to look elsewhere at other products that do what we want, and fix issues/suggestions that are LESS then 6 years. Seriously...

    • Sara Doran commented
      May 09, 2022 20:23

      Why has this not been fixed? This is causing major issues between database view and NXT.

    • Karen Mitchell commented
      April 05, 2022 10:00

      I can't believe the date on this post and it still hasn't been incorporated...Come on Backbaud.

    • Kevin Schaeffer commented
      April 01, 2022 14:02

      Really surprised to look for this today in the web view and not see it available! This really should have been added at the same time as "mark as requests no email" to be honest.

    • Jane Van Ingen commented
      February 15, 2022 19:46

      When I clean up addresses from returned envelopes, I have to have both nxt and database view open because nxt doesn't tell me if a constituent has no valid address.

    • Guest commented
      January 15, 2022 00:38

      5 years on and still no fix for this?

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