AddressFinder missing USPS Nixie Code Attributes in NXT

AddressFinder as whole has been flawed since there isn't a built in option for how to deal with the 'no valid address' checkbox.  At least in database view the 'USPS Nixie' codes get appended to the address attribute along with a date - so simple global changes post-AddressFinder will check/uncheck the no valid address checkbox accordingly.  With the automated NXT AddressFinder in it's current state - the address attributes don't get applied - so there's no way to mark no valid address when applicable, or unmark that checkbox globally when using the NXT platform.  We won't be using this function until it's refined to do what the database view function does.

  • Matt Haynes
  • May 31 2019
  • Attach files
  • Drew Matthews commented
    June 24, 2019 21:13

    Yes. Blackbaud, please acknowledge/address this issue in the knowledgebase. In addition to No Valid Address, the Send Mail to this Address is not updated for Moves. Unfortunately, I didn't learn this until after running AddressFinder from NXT. The solution from support is unreasonably convoluted - see my case 017347003. Please offer a sensible work around in the knowledgebase for those of us that would like to continue to run AddressFinder from the webview.