Improve donor-facing transaction details information for donor cover transactions

When a gift is given using donor cover, both the default confirmation page content and the Transaction Details merge field in the auto-generated email show how the total gift amount is broken down between the gift amount and processing support. However, the organization name used on the line for the gift amount is the name on our Blackbaud account and is not ideal for the vast majority of our donation forms. It would be ideal if the gift was itemized by designation (which we can re-caption) OR if the organization name which appears on this line were the name on the Blackbaud Merchant Services configuration used by the donation form. Also, when a donor selects multiple designations, the processing support is included in the amount of the first designation in the "In support of" section under the "Gift Details" section header. To minimize the potential for confusion, it should be itemized here the same way it is in the first part of the transaction details - with processing support being distinct from the designations.

  • Nathan Munn
  • Oct 10 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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