BBMS virtual terminal payments to be integrated onto RENXT via gift management

When the charity receives donations or payments over the telephone we can take these payments and process them through the Blackbaud Merchant Services virtual terminal as card not present transactions. However the only way to add these to gift records on RE is by exporting the transaction details and re-entering them via batches. This means that transactions reports need to be exported and data imported back onto the CRM for constituents gift records to show accurate payments/gifts received.

Having the BBMS virtual terminal integrated with RENXT will help streamline the process. Gifts made through the virtual terminal should be able to be committed under gift management to show accurate records on the CRM system.

  • Hayley Cayton
  • Jun 14 2022
  • Attach files
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    • Nikki Collings commented
      June 14, 2022 11:23

      Such a great idea