Being able to add gift attributes to RENXT gift management.

When we create batches in RE we use a number of gift attributes. How can we use gift attributes if we start to use gift management in RENXT.

  • Mark Bezanson
  • Jan 12 2021
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Candy Reichert commented
      April 18, 2023 22:30

      Nice. Glad it has shipped.

      Does this also include the ability to add GiftAttributes when in Batch view? Or does this require us to open each gift separately to add the gift attribute?

      Candy Reichert.

      Candy Reichert
      Donor Recognition &
      Records Coordinator

    • Candy Reichert commented
      April 18, 2023 22:27

      Nice. Glad it has shipped.

      Does this also include the ability to add GiftAttributes when in Batch view? Or does this require us to open each gift separately to add the gift attribute?