Support international currency formats with Gift Receipting and Giving Statements

Currently, the Fundraising>Gift Receipting and Fundraising>Giving Statements features appear to be completely hard-coded and do not support currency formats based on the user's browser locale or workstation regional settings.

For example, both Gift Receipting and Giving Statements use "." as the decimal symbol with currency merge fields. International customers whose local currency format doesn't use "." as the decimal symbol are unable to take advantage of the Fundraising>Gift Receipting and Fundraising>Giving Statements features because they are unable to generate receipts and giving statements that utilize their country's supported currency format.

  • Hannah Diaz
  • Mar 1 2023
  • Attach files
  • Martin Drenth commented
    March 09, 2023 12:54

    as is often the case, the European mainland is once again forgotten. We are now forced to omit the amount in the thank you letter to avoid confusion for the donor. Please fix this!