Allow Stock/Property gifts to be receipted in web view

In "Gift receipting" and "Giving Statements" (formerly "consolidated receipting"), under the Fundraising tab in web view:

- the usefulness of these functions is greatly hampered by the limited types of gifts/payments that it pulls from. Specifically, not being able to receipt stock gifts in the giving statements renders them nearly useless. We get a lot of stock gifts!

- it would be helpful to have a place in the record where you can note a preference for email receipts, rather than printed and mailed receipts, rather than having to come up with some home-grown way to do that.

- it is also not great that we can't precede a giving statement email by some kind of automatically generated, customizable email, that we can use to let the recipient know what is coming and why we're sending it. I know we can do that on our own but there ought to be a way to do that from the web view page.

- I'd also like to be able to plug in a query (list) for giving statements, so that I can generate those statements for a group of people at once, rather than one at a time

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  • Mar 17 2021
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    • Greg MacMillan commented
      August 20, 2024 23:56

      No idea why Stock gifts would not be considered a gift in a giving statement. Makes absolutely no sense.

    • Melinda commented
      April 09, 2024 16:44

      I cannot wrap my head around the fact that you can't thank donors for ALL of their gifts on giving statements. What about gifts in kind? Stocks? You can include all gift types in database view but not NXT. Makes no sense! Please add ASAP!

    • Kate Vickery commented
      January 31, 2024 15:11

      This is an important function for our organization that would really support our fundraising team.

    • Chris Olson commented
      January 30, 2024 23:05

      This would save us so much time!

    • Emily Scott commented
      January 30, 2024 21:11

      We need this functionality in order to be able to move fully into RE NXT--eager for an update on when this will be released

    • Kristin Gilbert commented
      January 30, 2024 20:57

      We really need to be able to send gift receipts for stock gifts, but more importantly we need to be able to send giving statements to our donors who give by stock. Some donors gift stock and cash gifts within the same calendar year and this makes their giving statements inaccurate and creates the need to exclude all stock donors from the process.

    • Andrew Smith commented
      December 21, 2023 13:57

      Inclusion of gift in kind gifts would be appreciated as well.

    • glenn preston commented
      September 05, 2023 13:21

      any ETA on when this functionally will be available?

    • Anne Monell commented
      November 29, 2022 16:18

      I am just flabbergasted that giving statements would not include stock gifts. I have started sending these to donors thinking it captured ALL their giving and just discovered that stock gifts are not included. These comprehensive statements are basically useless as they are inaccurate. A terrible miss that needs to be corrected immediately!

    • Jenny Mulcock commented
      June 02, 2022 02:17

      How about making this functionality available in Australia at all?

    • Kristin Gilbert commented
      May 24, 2021 20:15

      I would like to be able to use the gift receipting function to send receipts/acknowledgements for stock gifts.

    • Carol Grant commented
      April 21, 2021 12:45

      Please add gift type and gift subtype to receipting. Also add option of adding Fund Description?