Additional merge fields for Gift receipt templates in web view

I recently noticed you can now do e-Receipts in web view - which would be a huge improvement over our current database view e-Receipt process, which is very slow and frequently crashes. However, there are three areas that are thus far insufficiently developed, preventing us from being able to switch to the web view feature yet.

The available merge fields are very limited. There are only three categories of field to select: Constituent, Gift, and My Organization.

The Constituent category only has three options: First Name, Last Name, and "selected name format". The latter refers to a setting you have to set elsewhere in the options, which forces you to choose one type of Addressee/Salutation for all receipts. The problem here is, what if I want the Constituent's Addressee at the very top of the receipt (full formal name, for IRS tax deductible receipt purposes), then I want their Informal Salutation down in the body where we greet them ("Hi Sara, thanks for your gift...") And what about Nickname? What about the Constituent's address? I believe the IRS likes to see address, too. This doesn't meet our needs for Constituent Info.

Then there's the gift info, and this is where we get some major problems. I would not consider our needs to be overly complicated. But our donors DO need to see the split gift info so they know how their gift was credited. Now, there is a field called "Fund", but this option exports only a list of the Fund Descriptions, without the breakdown of the amounts for each fund. Strangely, the only way to get the list to include the Amount for each Fund is to select the merge field "Transaction details". BUT, this field spits out a long list of all sorts of info - and, very problematically for us, the first piece of info shown in that list is what web view likes to call the "Gift Type". I say this because, as old-school RE users will know, web view has oddly dismantled the actual database view Gift Type table. In our case, what ends up happening here is ALL our gifts end up being labeled as "One-Time Gift" by this field - even the recurring ones! Because we don't have BBMS or use Recurring Gift types due to their complexity, we enter our recurring gifts in similar fashion to one-time gifts. Of course it would be incredibly confusing for our recurring donors to receive an email stating that their gift was "One-time" when in fact it was not. So, what we're left with is an unworkable situation. If only you could get the Fund split amount details as its own field instead of needing the full "Transaction details", we could clear this piece.

Finally, the My Organization stuff is not really relevant because it's stable information, so why wouldn't you just type that info hard coded into the message body? Well, that's what I've done anyway.

Again, it's very encouraging to see that Blackbaud has continued to develop more features in the web view - but in the case of email receipts, it seems like again something very basic was released without sufficient testing or consideration as to what organizations actually need to do with those receipts. Once the filtering and the available merge fields are further developed, I'm sure this will be a useful feature.

  • Jarod Bonino
  • May 13 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Ben Evans commented
      November 27, 2024 22:58

      Desperately need more merge fields. It's a critical error that means I cannot use this technology. Great promise, but is not living up to it's potential.

    • Sky Moody commented
      June 08, 2023 18:27

      The addition of tribute information (IHO/IMO) as a merge field on the e-receipt templates would be fantastic!

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      September 15, 2022 14:31

      The appeal name needs to be available. Funds link to finance and are often not something an organization wants forward facing to the donor. This goes for the PDF receipts, statements, and everywhere else Blackbaud automatically publishes our fund descriptions for us.

    • Gail Orser commented
      March 25, 2022 16:45

      Agreed, it would be useful.

    • Jayme Fancher commented
      February 08, 2022 17:40

      AND the option for Nickname in the receipt template. If that's how they'd like to be addresses what good does merging the first name do? That shouldn't require an additional addressee type.

    • Casey Richey commented
      September 20, 2021 17:20

      Thanks for your Comment, Victoria. I was actually the one who posted this, but my original post is a much longer one that Jarod (who is an admin of some sort here) said was too broad, as I mentioned a few different functionality issues with eReceipting in web view. Jarod said it was really three different "ideas", so for clarity (thank you, Jarod!), he copied from the parts of my post and created three separate "ideas". You can find my original post, which contains my full comments about ALL those issues with eReceipts in web view, by searching for "Additional filter options for Gift receipting in web view". Thanks again!

    • Victoria Yargeau commented
      May 14, 2021 15:55

      Hi Jarod Bonino, I came to this web page to express the same thoughts. Thank you very much for articulating my shared frustration. My organization would also like to use the electronic receipting via NXT, but found the fields for the email templates lacking, as well as the fields we could filter donors as far too narrow a selection. Fingers crossed these recommendation are achievable.

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