Donation Form suggested gift amounts should not include currency prefix

Our Canadian donation form has a "CA" prefix before each suggested gift amount. This is redundant. There is no "CA" on Online Express donation forms. Please remove this, our donors know that we are in Canada and that in Canada we use Canadian dollars. There is no need to specify "CA$". At best this tells our donors that we are using a foreign software to collect their donation/credit card info and is a reminder and irritant of the ubiquity of the USA. At worst our donors will look at the "CA$" and wonder if they are on the correct webpage, if they've been redirected to a webpage in another country, or if it's a fake webpage.

  • Lorna Ruemper
  • Mar 23 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Anonymous commented
    October 18, 2023 15:01

    We are a US university with operations in Canada. Currently unable to use NXT donation forms in Canada because of an NXT limitation, but agree that we want our Canadian donation and registration forms to look native without CA$ prefixes.