Gift credit should not automatically be given to assigned fundraisers

Major gift officers are given credit only for the gifts they make specific solicitations for - not for the small gifts that come in through unsolicited asks, or on direct mail. For small gifts to have credit automatically applied to assigned fundraisers, it creates a manual process for the operations staff to remove the credit when assigned, and it is part of our Quality Control to remove the credit if it's not noticed during gift entry.
This was a feature in RE7, that should have been removed, but was clearly visible upon gift entry - both during single gift entry and in batch.
This should be removed from NXT, or at least an option, because we now have an additional link to click to locate the assigned solicitors during gift entry, and gift processors don't have the time to remember which constituent is assigned to which fundraiser to remove small donations.

  • Hillary Cote
  • Sep 16 2022
  • Attach files