Gift List in RE NXT should include the column for Assigned Solicitor

We are finding that running constituent lists does't give us the information needed and then when we run gift lists it doesn't give us the the constituent information needed such as the assigned solicitor which would be a lot better for us. Not gift solicitor as that can be different. This could be so much more useful for appeal management for our donor managers.

  • Paula Best
  • Aug 5 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Kim Trafton commented
    January 04, 2023 22:20

    This is the most important column in a list... the assigned fundraiser!

  • Guest commented
    August 26, 2021 13:26

    I agree - it would be beneficial for us to see the solicitor on gift lists. We are running into this problem.

  • Mark Bezanson commented
    March 04, 2021 18:24

    It would be beneficial to us to have this available.

  • +126