Solicited Summary on Constituent Records in NXT

In our organization we are recognizing constituents more and more for their fundraised total in addition to their outright gifts. In Classic, we are accomplishing this by adding the organization and/or individual to a gift as the solicitor But we do not assign the org/indiv as a solicitor relationship because they are outside of the organization. So in turn, we need to run a solicitor summary report to be able to get a snapshot of how much someone has raised for us.

It would be ideal if we could open a constituents record in NXT and see a solicitor panel. In this panel it could summarize the gifts that the constituent is on as a solicitor. Also if we could drill down into the gifts to see detail, as in donor info, gift date, appeals, etc. 

Adding this would allow our internal fundraising staff to see a full picture of support when looking at a constituent record. They would easily have access to the constituent's giving history and fundraised history without requesting an additional report.

  • Krista Lippert
  • Jun 29 2017
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