Business Rules for RE NXT Donation Form gifts (soft credit and address)

Hello! We have noticed that when a gift comes in through our NXT donation form, the business rules regarding soft credit and shared address are not respected in the batch gifts that are automatically created.   Specifically, when a constituent is set to automatically receive soft credit from their spouse or organization in RE, this does not carry over to the gift created by the NXT form in RE NXT.  We have to manually check for a spouse to see if they need soft credit.  Also, it does not seem to run AddressAccelerator on new constituent records automatically, and does not add the new address for the spouse even when addresses are set to be shared.  

  • Lily Barger
  • Nov 13 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 18, 2020 19:41

    Similarly, it would be nice for spouse name to be added so that if the constituent is not already on file (like for IMO gifts), they can be added to the gift