The currently RENXT event participant functionality is if you change the status of an registration from attending to any other status, it will change the status of the constituent to "not registered " in database view. This is confusing to end users because the constituent was registered they are just not attending. There should be a way to mark them as absent without unregistering them from the event.
Please add this to each event participant!! It's crucial, especially when you want to send an email to those that didn't show up. Its definitely necessary. Please add.
No, this is all new. We did not track No-shows for all the Events we had.
Thanks Fariba. One followup question, have you been tracking this in another way in database view?
I was looking to have consistent coding in the RE Event/RE Record/NXT Record. There is no option to mark the “No-Show”. I explained that since we have our Board Meetings on zoom and most probably this will continue, it will be helpful to the Development Team to be able to see in the Person’s record in NXT that the person Registered but didn’t show-up. It is not for the purpose of reporting and the Event Team can provide accurate reports. It is for the End Users to be able to see the correct status. I think it will be an easy fix to have consistent and practical codes to define Event Participants. Yes, this is Important to show up on a Participant’s record.
Thank you,
Fariba Ferdosi
Hi Cooper,
Are you marking attendance for your events? In NXT, if you mark attendance, from the participant tile on the Events record, we automatically calculate who registered but didn't attend as a "No-show." Clicking the No Show number from the Participant tile will open up a participant list of participants who didn't attend. This automatically starts calculating once you start to take attendance for your event.
When designing out the RSVP statuses, we specifically chose not to include No-Show because customer told us that they didn't consider that an RSVP, and many of them told us that the fact that someone was planning to attend (Registered/Attending) was important information to keep long term even if someone did not actually show up.
Sine no show is something we assume based on actual attendance, and is not a field that is set for a participant, this does not translate back to database view or show up on a participant's record.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what is missing in our approach. Are you just trying to get to a list of people that didn't show up, or, is that a piece of data that is important to show up on a participant's record?
Samantha McGuin
Principal Product Manager