NXT: Adding an indicator in the "attended" column for participants marked as "Not attended"

When looking at Event's participant lists, the "Attended" column will display "✅ Attended" when someone is marked as having attended.

It would be great if this column would also display "No", "Did not attend", or some kind of symbolic indicator of non attendance.

Right now you can deduce that if the RSVP status is "attending" and the "attended" column is blank then that participant "did not attend." The logic makes sense but is an extra cerebral processing step and more importantly leaves room for it to be interpreted with a possibility that the participant's attendance simply wasn't updated.

There are of course ways to verify and get to the answer of attendance in the affirmative or negative without this, but this would serve the "at a glance" function for users who aren't doing a full analysis or review of event metrics.

  • Guest
  • Nov 17 2022
  • Attach files