Add the ability to add a participant to an event in NXT that does not have a Constituent Record

Everyone would benefit. I'm confident most organizations that host events have people attending that do not have Constituent records and shouldn't have one added as it may be the only event they attend and have no other connection or potential future work with our organization.

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Emmet O'Conlon commented
    08 Jul 20:31

    We continue to struggle to get our staff to use RE, and this is part of the struggle: the inability to do their jobs in web view. If we can do it in DB view, we should be able to do it in web view.

  • Hillary Walker commented
    December 15, 2023 16:42

    YES PLEASE! If this can be done in Database view, this should also be available in Web-view. It would make things so much easier.

  • Elizabeth Anders commented
    November 02, 2023 21:09

    @Laura MacKay, a work-around for you might be to make a generic constituent (ie, Miscellaneous Donors) a participant at your events, then if the Events Team can't fine someone else, they can add it to the generic constituent and stop tracking participation information in two places.

  • Therese Junker commented
    January 12, 2021 17:03

    Yes, we need the option to allow non constituent registrants via the online event registration form. If there is not a match to a current constituent record could these records receive a non constituent record.

  • Laura MacKay commented
    August 11, 2020 14:24

    While being able to add non-constituents as Named Guests or an Unknown Guest is good, it does require you link it to someone that's already attending. Our organization needs the ability to add a non-constituent to an event in NXT even if we have no idea who they are a guest of. We want accurate attendance numbers, and we want our events team to be able to add non-constituent, non-guest attendees in NXT. Right now, all they can do is create an excel list of people they couldn't find in NXT and send it to 1 of the few people who have RE database view so they can add them to the event modules.

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