Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RE7-I-5703 Add the ability to add a participant to an event in NXT that does not have a Constituent Record.

Record non-constituent participants to Event in NXT Merged

Unless I'm completely missing something, one feature that has not been matched from the database version into the NXT version of Events is that in NXT you can ONLY record full constituents as event participants.  In 'database view' we could quickly add guests by name so that we could have an up to date RSVP list and then add registrants as full constituents when we saw fit.

With events in NXT our process is getting gummed up because I do not allow those who are not on the Operations team to create new constituents. With multiple events planned this year and with the level of detail on an constituent record that I prefer to have, it's actually a bit of a hassle to force event registrants to be full constituents.

Ultimately, I want those working with event hosts to be able to update and view the event RSVP lists on the fly without having to wait for Operations to create any number of new constituents first.

  • Guest
  • Nov 4 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Guest commented
    November 07, 2019 21:06

    Thank you for opening voting on this, Samantha.  


    As for the new required fields options that I, as system admin, can consider implementing, it's definitely welcome but a mixed bag.  In database view I require "Nickname" as a required field and that isn't a field that's initially presented when individual constituents are created in NXT. Because of that, I've stuck with primarily creating new individuals in database view. But, were that change to be made in NXT, I would certainly reconsider my constituent creation restrictions.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    November 07, 2019 20:55

    Hi! You are correct in that we require event hosts to be constituents. Their guests, however, can be what we call "Named Guests" which would be your equivalent to non-constituents. I have opened this up for voting and would love to hear from everyone on any issues this causes you. We did not make this decision lightly, and based on some future functionality we're planning around communications we feel pretty strongly that anyone that is participating in an event (the host) needs to be a constituent for communications and future tracking purposes.

    One question for you, David - does the new ability to set required fields for constituent entry in NXT allow you to open up the add constituent capability to others outside of your Operations team, or do you still foresee that being locked down. Are there other things we can do that would make you feel more comfortable opening up constituent creation outside of your Operations team?


    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager, Events