Required fields not respected in NXT web view

An action can be added with required fields left blank.  This needs to be fixed ASAP! 

  • Danny Reader
  • Aug 5 2016
  • Shipped
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    • Kristin Gilbert commented
      December 05, 2024 17:48

      Records are being added into our database through RE NXT web view forms without the required fields being populated (ie addressee/salutation). This is a huge issue.

    • Kristin Gilbert commented
      December 05, 2024 17:47

      We need preferred name to be added as a required field in web view- when we create records in database view it's required but it's not an option in web view yet. This is an issue because we use the preferred name field in all of our personalized emails.

    • Jenna Dick commented
      May 15, 2024 14:29

      We've just made the switch to RE and I configured gift entry in DB view to make Campaign and Appeal required only to find a load of gifts without it - apparently these don't convert over to web view! I hope this is resolved soon!

    • Susan Raymer commented
      April 04, 2024 13:32

      Multiple required fields in congfiguration in DBV are not showing up as required in web view including: Relationship fields, fundraiser type, fundraiser reason, fundraiser dates, just to name a few. Makes it difficult at best to enforce best practice on all users which subsequently reduces the intergrity and quality of the database. I honestly can't understand why required fields in web view are selectively enforced. Makes my job as a DBA that much more complicated.

    • Katy Roberts commented
      February 01, 2024 00:12

      I need to make preferred name/nickname, not first name, required in web view, as it is in database view; is this possible ??

    • Crystal Morgan commented
      January 04, 2024 15:45

      Also, this is tagged "shipped." Great. What does that even mean.

      This was posted 2016 and it's eight years later. They've just completely run away with the bag of money and are laughing at this point.

    • Crystal Morgan commented
      January 04, 2024 15:43

      This might be the last straw for us.

      Worse, found out the gift object does not have CRED. This means if I want to force users to enter in database view, I can't just take away their ability to create new gifts in NXT - I would have to shut off their access to gift records entirely. So they might operate on the assumption a donor has never given, if they're used to looking at NXT and forget those records no longer appear.

      That means the only solution to users not entering certain fields is regular data cheking and cleaning, re-training and causing tension with our team. That's completely asinine for a problem that has been solved for decades with a basic feature: allow required fields and have basic CRED securities.

      I feel bad for Blackbaud support employees, having to constantly tell users that basic features are not there, but "you can go vote for it on this forum." How do you even justify that?

    • Julie Lowe commented
      December 05, 2023 12:35

      Yes - please add to gift entry so gifts can't be added with no campaign/fund/appeal, this has caused us some headaches during a recent campaign

    • Marie Foster commented
      December 04, 2023 14:22

      How many votes are required for something like this to be considered please? Thank you.

    • Abi commented
      December 04, 2023 12:30

      Yes - please add to gift entry so gifts can't be added with no campaign/fund/appeal

    • Petra Hall commented
      September 28, 2023 14:04

      Please add this to gift entry! It's a major hurdle to adoption of the NXT view!

    • Katy Roberts commented
      May 11, 2023 20:14

      In our database we made "Nickname/Preferred name" required: yet it is not required in webview. What does it mean that this idea has "shipped"?

    • Guest commented
      December 20, 2022 20:36

      How has this feature not been added yet? Or maybe it has... Does anyone have any hints?

    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2022 17:08

      This has not been shipped for Opportunities - only Actions

    • Deb Dressely commented
      June 06, 2022 16:38

      What does "Shipped" mean? I do not see this being solved or operational. Is there some detail behind Shipped - like date shipped, date anticipated, date active? It's been 10 months since last comments. Heavy sigh...

    • Deb Dressely commented
      August 25, 2021 21:38

      Do you know how hard it is to report on Opportunities by fundraiser when fundraiser isn't a required field in NXT? It is required in database view along with all the other fields that drive our reporting - but not in NXT where ALL our gift officers work. This is a monthly nightmare of a clean up especially when reporting on Opportunities is utterly challenging in an of itself.

    • Madeleine Holdsworth commented
      August 24, 2021 20:23

      Thank goodness it's not just me. This is such a problem for us. Plus continually having to explain this to my team is exhausting....

    • Yolanda Rodriguez commented
      July 08, 2021 12:40

      Agree - this needs to be consistent all over the database. This is also happening with gifts recorded in NXT. There are fields that are required in database view that don't even appear on NXT. The security settings in DBV should reflect accordingly in WBV.

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      November 04, 2020 20:05

      This has only been "Shipped" for Actions. It needs to happen for Opportunity Fields. Please provide an update on the status of that. Thanks!

    • Joelle Ferreira commented
      March 02, 2020 17:54

      Hi Ron,

      If you are still accepting early adopters, please also include me



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