Make Fundraiser Type in NXT a required field if it also a required field in DB view

We have "fundraiser type" as a required field in Database view. In NXT however, it is not populating a required field. That means people are assigning solicitors in NXT but not being prompted to select a fundraiser type. We sort on this field so it's important our data matches. Please consider making the NXT required fields match all the required fields in DB view.

  • Monique Cornett
  • Mar 30 2021
  • Attach files
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    • Rene Rosengren commented
      June 09, 2022 02:54

      Yes, please! I'm very glad our gift officer are using the WebView, but data integrity is impacted by the inability to set required fields, just as they are in the database view. Our gift officers shouldn't have to revert back to using the database view to taken advantage of required fields.