Option to give soft credit to spouse for new gifts when merging duplicates

Because the new NXT donation forms often create duplicate constituents, I'm finding that new gifts need to be manually soft credited to the spouse if the gift is from a new constituent record that's a duplicate.

When a new online gift is in batch, I'm finding that I have to check for duplicates for each constituent with a gift in the batch, and if there is an existing record, I'm merging the records either before I approve the gift batch, or right afterwards. However, if the duplicate record has a spouse, the gift isn't automatically giving soft credit to the merged record's spouse like it's supposed to, neither if I merge the duplicate constituents before I approve the gift batch or after.

There should either be a prompt to check for and apply soft credits to non-soft credited gifts when merging constituents in NXT, or the automatic soft credit rule should rescan for gifts in a batch that haven't been approved yet after a duplicate merge has happened. I've been having to come up with creative queries and lists of gifts from recently merged constituents with spouses and checking them to make sure the gifts are soft credited to the spouse, which feels like a hassle.

  • Ray Curenton-Dillinger
  • Dec 22 2020
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