Push Notifications for Actions

It would be so extremely helpful if there were push notifications in NXT that went to email or especially on the mobile app as regular push notifications. When a team member assigns an action to another team member, the only way that team member can see that they have been assigned an action is by going to their work center on NXT. This seems extremely too passive for some more pressing actions. It would great if when a team member was assigned an action if they could receive and email notification at the bare minimum that said something to the effect of "You have been assigned an action by "X" team member." And then the details of the assigned action with a link back to NXT for more details. There needs to be some more active way to notify/remind team members of actions assigned to them. A number on the work center beside the action tab which filters by actions due this week is extremely too passive.

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2018
  • Shipped
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    • Christopher Burns commented
      December 11, 2023 15:53

      Why has this been noted as "shipped"? It was not

    • Annalisa Barrett commented
      May 20, 2023 14:12

      Emails would be more helpful and help with productivity. Especially helpful for those employess who are not required to work in NXT every day and might miss that an action was assigned to them.

    • Katie Hoover commented
      May 18, 2023 17:12

      "went to email or especially on the mobile app as regular push notifications"

      A pop-up in NXT is not enough. It's too passive.

    • Jill Gerig commented
      May 18, 2023 16:30

      I agree. We would prefer email notifications as well.

    • Sonja Pagniano commented
      May 18, 2023 15:53

      @Anthony - the issue is that the notifications do not come in email form. They only appear within RENXT. Everyone is not always checking the notifications section in RENXT and it would be better if there were a way to receive an email notification.

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      May 18, 2023 15:50

      This was part of an update released late in 2021. The action notifications utilize our notification area within NXT to alert fundraisers when actions are assigned.


    • Jill Gerig commented
      May 17, 2023 19:23

      It says this idea has been shipped, but we have not seen this option. When was this shipped?

    • Kathleen Eastman commented
      October 07, 2021 15:18

      It would also be helpful if those actions that are entered on the db side with an assigned solicitor, or have an Auto Remind set up, also send reminders once that entry hits the NXT side. Since many DBA's still do most of their work on that side and do action entry there as well.

    • Rebekah Kornblum commented
      August 23, 2021 19:35

      Seconding Alaina's point about emailing a weekly summary. There is a huge demand for this using Microsoft's Automation tools, but it would be better for NXT to have it built in.

    • Alaina Camsell commented
      February 09, 2021 20:07

      Would love if you could set up to email weekly your open actions with links to click to go into the actions. I set up a workflow but it was not the most fun process and I could only set up for 17 weeks at a time.

    • Guest commented
      September 27, 2018 19:46

      Along those lines, right now in NXT you can't post actions to other's calendars (can only do in backend RE). If this function was enabled in NXT, it would automatically generate and email and calendar notification.

    • Heather Jacob commented
      September 13, 2018 19:19

      Right now you can only send an action to your own email. Wouldn't it be great if you could send email to the person you're actually assigning the action to?

    • Teddi Taylor commented
      September 07, 2018 16:31

      Yes, even something that said, "You have a new action!" when you logged in would be nice.

    • Guest commented
      August 01, 2018 00:24

      Great idea!  Or a little badge in the top corner of the grey bar?  email notifications would certinaly be helpful.

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