Stop sending Action Alerts when I create an action for myself - Allow Notification preferences in NXT

I recently started receiving Action Alerts (the little "bell" on NXT's top screen menu) when I create an Action FOR MYSELF. I don't need to be notified when I do something. It adds clutter to my screen and wastes my time when I have to click on the bell to make the red alert notification disappear.

From my conversation with Chat Support, this is a recent change the developers made by adding this new alert capability to Actions when it was originally only for Receipts and Batches. Please either allow users to choose their own Notification/Alert preferences or reverse this change you made.

  • Chris Olson
  • Nov 5 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Robin Griffin commented
      December 09, 2021 18:27

      I strongly second this request. Fundraisers do not need to receive alerts/notifications every time they enter an action assigned to themselves. They only need notifications when someone else has assigned an action to them.

    • Guest commented
      December 03, 2021 15:52

      I recently started receiving Action Alerts FOR MYSELF (the little red "bell" on NXT's top screen menu) when I create an Action. I DO NOT need to be notified when I do something. It adds clutter to my screen and wastes my time when I have to click on the bell to make the red alert notification disappear.

      After speaking with Support, we discovered this is a recent change the developers made by adding this new alert capability to Actions. Please either allow users to choose their own Notification/Alert preferences or reverse this change!

    • Rachel Cavalier commented
      November 08, 2021 10:28

      I confused myself this morning when I recorded a phone call I made and the action notification popped up. It would be good if I could turn off notifications for actions assigned to me that I created myself.