View all actions in NXT not just 4 pages

If one person is receiving a lot of individual touches leading up to a solicitation, 4 "pages" of actions in NXT could only extend back one or two years. It would be helpful to see the overall progression of strategy for the donor without having to go into database view. 

  • Karina Meiklejohn
  • Jul 16 2018
  • Attach files
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    • Jen Claudy commented
      July 23, 2018 01:38

      You should be able to click on the [# Actions] Button/Link at the top of that Tile on a Constituent Record to get a full screen of all of the Actions for that Constituent.  Same with Notes.  It's just inconsistent with the Gifts Tile that has the [Work with Gifts] link at the bottom of the Tile.  And the Relationships Tile, which only has the paginator...and a filter, but only for one Relationship Type at a time.