Please add ALL gifts to the giving tile in NXT

Can you please add all gifts to the NXT view on the giving tile?  We have donors who have given over 65 years, and it is frustrating to only be able to see 4 'pages' of gifts- can't they all be added on more 'pages'?

  • Noelehua Archambault
  • May 12 2017
  • Attach files
  • Meredith Friedman commented
    April 14, 2022 15:26

    Also, it should include matching gift pledges as well, which it does not. They are totally part of a donor's giving history, but you don't know they are there unless you click on Work with Gifts.

  • Heather MacKenzie commented
    April 12, 2022 19:20

    Seriously? Why would it be set up this way? If the webview version is truly intended to take over and be all there is at some point for RE, then this should have been programmed this way from the start.

  • Guest commented
    September 15, 2017 16:42
