Enable Viewing Notes with Images in NXT

It's been our practice to include images in our notes, especially one we call Profile notes. It's troublesome that they simply seem not to exist to an NXT user. An interim improvement would be for the note to display without the image(s), but ultimately supporting images should be the goal.

  • Chas Dreyfus
  • Aug 29 2017
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Susan Swann commented
    April 01, 2019 19:00

    Close enough that combining might add some weight to the problem if they were combined!




    And address the bigger issue - would be very nice if Blackbaud would first identify...

    - does the issue with displaying notes that are visible in database view that have links/media apply to ALL note types or only specific ones...
    i.e. Constituent Notes, Gift Notes, Action Notes, Hon/Mem Notes, Proposal Notes, Event Notes (and any others I may have missed!)

    -provide a clear and comprehensive list of all of the things that - if added in database view will not show up in NXT, and if added in NXT will not show up in database view. Also - if edits are made in one or the other, which will show up in the other system - and which will NOT.

  • Dana Troy commented
    January 25, 2019 17:41

    This is not really a duplicate but is related to "Allow NXT to pull Action Notes from RE7 that have a image for signature or logo in the notepad," NXT idea 1134), that one's for action notes while this one's for notes. But this is important, it's concerning that the whole note is invisible in the web view when there's an image in the note, and I can't clean them up because I have no way of identifying them.