Profile pictures from RE NXT Webview should show up somewhere in RE NXT Database view and allow users to edit the pictures there. Also need more options for profile photos.

Many of our Foundation Development officers appreciate the profile pictures for constituents in RE NXT webview. One reason they like it, is it allows them to easily identify a constituent just by looking at the profile picture if they don't recognize the name.

I wish the profile pictures for constituents would also show up in RE NXT Database view. This way all affected team members and users of RE can see if a constituent has a profile picture already. It would be nice if users could add and edit constituent profile pictures through RE NXT Database view.

 It would also be nice if RE also had more options available for profile pictures. These could be options such as repositioning pictures, downloading current photos from NXT to user's computer, remove access from anyone being able to change photos, and allow profile photos to be in reports, exports, lists, and other areas of RE.

  • J U
  • Dec 12 2018
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