Constituent Picture - Treat it like other attachments and/or make it possible to save/download

I can't right click to save the photo on a constituent record. If we find a duplicate constituent where the lesser record has a photo, it will be lost when the two are merged, and I can't copy the photo to add to the surviving record. I tried it on Chrome and Firefox without any extensions running.

Also, because it's not treated like any other constituent attachment, I can't see who added the photo (what if the original was too big, so we can't see John's face? how do we know who to ask for the original so we can crop it better?) or when it was added (her new haircut was the talk of the party - is this photo from before or after? do we need one that is more recent?) or even whether it exists at all, though frankly this last one is a problem for all attachments in NXT web view.

Unfortunately, the state of the profile photo being so unbuilt makes me reluctant to allow anyone on our team to use it since there's no quality control. :(

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Mar 7 2018
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload