Require Fields for Primary Registrant that are Optional for Guests

One of the biggest complaints I hear from event attendees is that they need to include all of the data that we request for primary registrants when registering guests. I'd love an option to simply register guests with their names (and maybe class years).

If we could check a box to indicate whether we want guests to include some of the data that we require for primary registrants (i.e. cell phone numbers, class year, emails, etc.) that would be amazing. If we could also decide which fields we want to be required vs. optional for guests, that would be even better.

For example, I do want to collect the guest's affiliation to the school (i.e. alum, parent, fac/staff, etc.) and dietary restrictions, but don't necessarily need their cell numbers in most cases.

  • Nicole Losavio
  • Jul 16 2024
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