Because of database size constraints we won't create new records for most spouses or org contacts. But it would be helpful to be able to email the entire guest list reminders about an upcoming event or a thank you after, not just constituents/named guests. Please add an editable contact summary field on unnamed guests!
Another reason this would be nice is that we don't necessarily want to add them to them as full constituents unless they do actually attend the event or donate (in some cases).
In addition, testing reveals that if a constituent in the database registers for an event with a secondary email address, that is a good indicator that they prefer to receive info about that event at that secondary email. But if we go the long way by creating a constituent list and emailing with that new constituent list, the event reminder will only go to the email that we have listed as primary on their donor record. I'm also having trouble verifying anywhere if a matched constituent registered with a different email address than what we have listed on their record as primary (we may have multiple email addresses from merged records or business versus personal versus spouse)
We also do not create new records for everyone, and need a way to just add name, phone and email if necessary without creating new record.