Easily add organization contacts as "guests" on an event

We invite individuals from organisations and organisations. Either way it is an individual who attends, not an organisation. I can see each organisations who have been invited but I want to see which contacts are invited / attending as well.

In database view I can select a contact for the event's participant's record.

In web view I can register an organisation's contact person as non-constituents for the event, but then the participant list does not show which Organisation they are connected to.

[Admin: Based on comments changed name to reflect the following problem:
It would be much easier to select from a list of contacts in the first instance and then add additional people as relationships or contacts depending on who they are.]

  • Catherine Burns
  • Sep 11 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      September 13, 2019 19:37

      @Catherine Burns - I agree! We have some enhancements planned for organizations. The second phase of this will include some enhancements to add quickly from contacts.

      @Crystal Shreve - You're not missing anything. We don't support sponsors, yet. Adding Orgs is on our radar - we will be adding the ability to add Organizations as a Participant within the next 6-8 weeks.

    • Crystal Shreve commented
      September 13, 2019 18:24

      Hi Samantha - am I missing something? I can't add an organization via NXT events and when I add an org. as a Sponsor via database view, it still doesn't appear.

    • Catherine Burns commented
      September 12, 2019 21:47

      Hi Samantha. That is a good work around, thank you. But it seems rather time consuming to have to search for the names of contacts (who are already relationships on the organisation record) and then select them from the duplicate list when it comes it. I would be much easier to select from a list of contacts in the first instance and then add additional people as relationships or contacts depending on who they are.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      September 12, 2019 20:12


      Do you have the Guest/Host column turned on in the Participant List in NXT? This column will show you the guest/host names. In the event of an Organization host where you have guests added to their party, the column will show "Host of <Name>" in this column on the Host/Org line, and "Guest of <Org Name>" on the row for the Guest in the Participant List.

      Give that a try and see if if gives you the information that you need. You can also click into the Organization's Participant information to see all Guests in their party on the Participant record itself.