Add an easy way to "add spouse as guest" from Party Information tile

I'm sure we've all encountered this a million times in our careers - but people often bring their spouses to events šŸ˜€

It would be handy to have a single function for Add Spouse as Guest, given that the database knows the constituent and their spouse.

  • Samantha McGuin
  • Mar 1 2019
  • Shipped
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    • Nikki Long commented
      September 30, 2021 21:03

      I agree with this. It would be nice for the registrant to be able to select the spouse from the form instead of having to go back behind the scenes to fix this. Even if it is a checkbox of "Guest is Spouse" and then look for a spouse record to add to the event if there is a spouse on the registering constituent's record.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      September 06, 2019 15:43

      We've released a change that will show the spouse's name from the "Add guest" form. You can easily click on the spouse name to have their name entered as the guest, select their appropriate invitation/registration status and participation level and save the form. Hopefully this will save you some clicks in your backoffice participant entry!

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      August 20, 2019 20:32

      We are planning to add this feature in a future release. This Idea will be updated when it ships. Thanks for all the votes - we realize how often this occurs and the efficiency a feature like this would add to your guest entry!

    • +1