Allow Constituent Custom Fields to be Visible in the Participant List (Dietary Requirements + Access Requirements)

We deal with Dietary Requirements and Access Requirements as Custom Fields on a Constituent Record.


Obviously you can add Custom Fields to a Participant record itself, but Dietary Requirements rarely change between events, so rather than record that Alex is Allergic to Shellfish every time we register him for an event, we just record it against the Constituent and pull that field into our Event Participant Export. Similarly, Access Requirements rarely change between events.


Could we please have the ability to display Custom Fields from Constituents Records in the Participant Listing?

  • Alex Bishop-Thorpe
  • Mar 5 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Alex Bishop-Thorpe commented
    February 09, 2022 04:22

    Hey Samantha!

    It has been a little while - I'm sure that this kind of specific events functionality isnt really in high demand due to COVID putting a stop to most physical events, but this issue did come up again for us recently. We have a board member with very specific dietary requirements, and a new staff member wasnt aware of them which led to a little awkwardness at a small event. Surfacing these dietary requirements on participant lists would have solved this one.

    Do we have any updates on a way to either surface custom fields on participant lists, or a type of participant option that is persistent between events?

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    November 15, 2019 15:54

    After some thorough re-reading on my part, I've changed the status of this back to be open from Voting. We are, very soon, releasing a way to capture Participant Options. However, these will still be per Event and will not be at the Constituent level. We are very aware of this request to allow constituent custom fields to be set and seen from a Participant Record and will continue to work towards a solution towards that specific option. In the meantime, this Idea will continue to be open for Voting and I'll post any update when I've got them.

  • Krystle Hara commented
    August 20, 2019 18:09

    This is very exciting. Samantha, thank you for the update!

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    August 20, 2019 15:23

    We are currently working on a first class way to capture Participant Options. While this new way will not use attributes, it will be "the" way moving forward to collect and report on any information about a participant, including dietary preferences, meal choices, special requests, etc that encompasses text, yes/no, or table/list responses.

    This feature is currently in development with a planned release in Q4 of 2019.

  • +1